Design and Testing of Smart Grids Electrical Power Systems
Hardware in the Loop (HIL) and Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) play important roles in the development and testing of smart grid systems. PHIL can be used to simulate the behavior of smart grid components, such as distributed energy resources, advanced metering infrastructure, and demand response systems. Impedyme is offering a range of products that allow you to emulate the grid of the future and to carry out tests on the different elements that will be part of it.
Our Combined HIL and PHIL (CHP) solutions are full-4Q regenerative and bidirectional wide frequency range high power sources that can emulate not only the electrical behavior of loads (linear and non-linear, a house, a building, an electrical car, …) but also the electrical behavior of grid-tied generators (solar, wind, waves, gas, diesel, etc.) and energy storage systems (Li-ion batteries, fuel cells, flywheel, etc.).
Impedyme’s CHP solution can also be used to emulate batteries and PV panels. Thanks to its power amplifier functionality, the CHP can be connected to real time simulation systems and the user will be able to create and test its own models.
Our Combined HIL and PHIL (CHP) solution with full-4Q capability is capable of emulation of microgrids under test. The unit allows the generation of grid perturbances useful to test and research on grid voltage/fault support, synchronization of voltage source converters, etc.
Overall, the use of Impedyme’s CHP in smart grid development allows for more efficient and reliable power systems and can help to ensure that smart grid systems will work as intended when they are deployed in the field.